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welcome to my journal! these are mostly nonsensical entries rambling about my life. they have been indexed for your convenience!

my 2024 entries

new year new updates

dec 18 2024

currently updating while hanging out with my roommates and putting on a playlist of songs i'm recommending to them (edit to add: we're making it collaborative but the first ones are my recs!). usually i update when i'm either alone or we're not doing anything so i'm a chirper mood than usual! i haven't updated the site in a bit because i've realised i kind of want to move away from the super cutesy style but i don't really know what to turn it into? i'm not like, a big graphic/web design guy but the super pink stuff was a good like...easy pivot. i might take a character i like and base it all off of them even though that's kind of what i did lol. overhauling feels like a pain in the ass when i haven't properly fleshed out the site yet...

it's been a little! shall we do a speed round of updates...

meme that says "inside you there are two wolves" with two wolves below it. one of them says "art conservation is cool and would give me a stable and plausible job" and the other one says "i love drawing internet pictures and i want to improve so i can do that forever."