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welcome to my journal! these are mostly nonsensical entries rambling about my life. they have been indexed for your convenience!
my 2024 entries
new year new updates
dec 18 2024
currently updating while hanging out with my roommates and putting on a playlist of songs i'm recommending to them (edit to add: we're making it collaborative but the first ones are my recs!). usually i update when i'm either alone or we're not doing anything so i'm a chirper mood than usual! i haven't updated the site in a bit because i've realised i kind of want to move away from the super cutesy style but i don't really know what to turn it into? i'm not like, a big graphic/web design guy but the super pink stuff was a good like...easy pivot. i might take a character i like and base it all off of them even though that's kind of what i did lol. overhauling feels like a pain in the ass when i haven't properly fleshed out the site yet...
it's been a little! shall we do a speed round of updates...
- ran the first round of my biannual roleplay group (SeeMo)(should I make a page about that...)(that'd be fun). it was season 2 of it and the..fourth? group i've modded, second i've main-modded. loads to be learned and many thoughts about it (and RP modding in general!!). woah i should make a page for that. ok. anyway
- drew a lot over winter break. lately i've been focusing a lot on studying different elements of art i want to improve on but i think i've been all over the place about it. but i have learned a few things!
- my vgen finally took off and i've made a little over a hundred dollars on commissions in just a month (though tbh it was a streak of good luck and good timing). definitely a big motivator for me to improve my art (even though now i have another thing to procrastinate on...). it looks kind of barren but that's because two are still WIPS and the big one was off of vgen
- this year i'm really motivated to do more stuff irl but i do acknowledge that roleplaying is my life. so i'm making myself go out to more real-life tabletop rpgs. my big big BIG dream is to participate in a cain campaign after some of my players in my group talked about it and one of them made the most compelling OC with cain's mechanisms (it was like..interdimensional. so that was allowed). i'm really interested in the aspect of exploring people's humanity and lack of humanity. and the body horror, etcetera. but on thursday i'm going to a dnd thing in real life so that should be exciting (even though i'm not a high fantasy guy i feel like dnd is the easiest way to get a proper in into ttrpgs)
- been getting my shit together a little (real life). my head's been all sorts of scrambled and i've been really moody over stuff i don't feel i have the right to be moody about but my outlet has been to organize and control the stuff i can organize so at the very least nothing is falling apart on me. i've been super on top of things this semester and i really hope it carries through past the first few weeks
- my classes this sem are all over the place but i got into a class that i was on the waitlist for where you work with the school's gallery and its archives and it's REALLY exciting for me (what i want to go into in the future). i did sacrifice one of my painting classes for it when i should've sacrificed other classes but i really wanted to take them...urg...
- i miss having a shipping partner :/