about harley's roleplay archives

i have been roleplaying for approximately ten years now (started early 2014 on Kik). unfortunately most of my super old roleplays have either been lost to the past or they're too bad to document anywhere. i wanted a place where i can document roleplaying scenes i'm proud of or like rereading often.

i am unable to contact some of these people to credit their writing, so they'll all be given pseudonyms. you can always contact me through my neocities page or email to get anything removed or credit added.

what is roleplaying?

roleplaying is, as the name implies, playing a role. typically you write out a character or a scene and have a partner or a few partners respond to it. it's like improv, but online! loads of online communities build around building stories and characters together, and roleplaying can take the forms of pre-existing universe (i.e. playing out scenes in the world of Pokemon), or things independently made for scenes or groups.

all the roleplays you see here are done with original characters! all the art you see here is by me unless stated otherwise.

before you browse